
The Comic

Salvadora is an ongoing episodic superhero comic starring Carmen Camacho, an ordinary college student with a super-powered secret! As Salvadora, she can’t go ten feet without running into some kinda weirdo, be they an obsessive wannabe reporter, a tyrannical supervillain, or a fellow do-gooder hero! Salvadora is a humorous look at college life, superheroics, and superhero comics in general!

The Creators

Salvadora is written by Rob Johnson and drawn by Justin Durden, with art assistance from Melody. Rob hails from Durham, North Carolina, Justin from Louisville, Kentucky, and Melody lives in the great white northern land known as Canada. When they’re not making Salvadora, Rob does his other comic Miss Melee and occasionally makes wrestling .GIFs, while Justin enjoys video games and Melody makes backgrounds for animated TV shows.

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